Nowadays many parents work a lot and have difficulties figuring out how to spend time with their kids effectively, for everyone to enjoy it and for it to be prosperous for their kids.

There are many ways to spend time with your kids, but it’s important to pay attention for it to be good for their health, development and learning new skills.

Here are some effective suggestions on how parents can spend free time with their kids.

Go to nature:

Spending time in nature is essential for your kids. Except for fresh air and physical activity, they learn by seeing animals, plants and the whole ecosystem. A classic is a hiking trip, picking mushrooms or another foraging. The child develops a relationship with nature and the environment, which helps with determining their values later on.


Physical activity is incredibly beneficial for a kid's health, which is why you as a parent need to help them discover and explore sports. Teach your kids to swim, ski, ride a bike or go roller-skating together. These days you can find more and more bike trails appearing in every city and its outskirts. Doing and loving sports will help your kids later on in life.

 Keep in mind, however, that everything needs to be done with balance and your child doesn’t dislike sports because of parental pressure.

Fun activities:

Undoubtedly, a favourite activity of most children is visiting fun places. For your little ones, it’s crucial to enjoy the time spent with you and not be bored.

In Slovakia there are many fun things to do, such as toboggan rides, go karts, aquaparks and many other types of fun parks, where kids can have fun on toboggans, pools or roller-coasters. 


Upon reaching a certain age, traveling becomes an inseparable part of an active lifestyle. During traveling, the kids learn, get to know new countries and other cultures, ways of life, see different cities, historic sites, interesting places, new people and even practise a foreign language they learn in school.

Of course, you cannot forget that in the autumn and winter months, you need to make sure your children are wearing enough warm clothing. A high-quality pullover, warm pants and of course, a hat, can’t be missing for them to keep warm.

During these cold months you can comfortably sit down and browse the site of the kids brand Japi at


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